Browsing by Subject "Kazakhstan"

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  • Tlegenova, Zh. Sh.; Balmagambetova, S. K.; Zholdin, B. K.; Kurmanalina, G. L.; Talipova, I. Zh.; Koyshybaev, A. K.; Sultanbekova, G. A.; Kubenova, K. I.; Baspayeva, M. B.; Madinova, S. S.; Amanova, A. (West Kazakhstan Medical Journal, 2023)
    In Kazakhstan, breast cancer (BC) remains the leading cause of cancer morbidity and mortality among women. The presented case series aims to summarize cardiovascular events that resulted in anthracycline-based chemotherapy ...
  • KARIMSAKOVA, A.S.; YERMENOVA, K.K.; KUZEMBAYEVA, G.A. (West Kazakhstan Medical Journal, 2018-03-27)
    In order to improve the language proficiency of students and hence their future employability, West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University is developing bilingual programme. Implementing such programme, however, ...
  • Zhussupova, Zh.; Ayaganov, D.; Zharmakhanova, G.; Mamedbayli, A. (West Kazakhstan Medical Journal, 2023)
    The well-being of children is crucial for a nation’s demographic, economic, and intellectual prospects. Developing countries face an increasing number of children with disabilities, primarily attributed to congenital ...

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