Browsing by Subject "treatment"

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  • Khamidulla, Alima A.; Urasheva, Zhanylsyn U.; Kabdrakhmanova, Gulnar B.; Yermagambetova, Aigul P.; Utegenova, Aigerim B. (West Kazakhstan Medical Journal, 2024)
    Interferon-beta (IFN-𝛽) preparations represent a well-established cohort of pharmaceu tical agents employed for immunomodulation in individuals diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). The clinical courses and manifestations ...
  • MANIA, ANNA; FRĄSZCZAK-WOJAŃSKA, JUSTYNA (West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, 2019-12-19)
    Infection of the central nervous system (CNS) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is rare yet highly devastating and potentially lethal manifestation of tuberculosis (TB). In spite of a current global decrease of ...

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