Show simple item record KIBATAYEV, K.M. SAKHANOVA, S.K. URGUSHBAYEVA, G.M. UMIRZAK, A.A. KIM, P.S. KENZHEGAZOVA, G.K. 2025-02-21T09:49:24Z 2025-02-21T09:49:24Z 2018-12-28
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/469
dc.description This review summarizes the literature on the section of environmental medicine, as well as the problem of the harmful effects of environmental pollution on human health. A number of studies show that significant areas of Kazakhstan are exposed to pollution by black and non-ferrous metallurgy and coal mining enterprises. The consequences of the development of oil and gas fields in the Caspian region, covering the West Kazakhstan, Atyrau and Aktobe regions, are associated with pollution of the soil, reservoirs and drinking water with hydrocarbon oil. Chromecontaining dust emissions are also recorded during ore mining and chromate processing at enterprises in Aktobe. Despite the ongoing technical and sanitary measures, every year there is an increase in the overall incidence among the population living near oil and gas fields, as well as working in manufacturing and other industrial facilities. A number of authors draw attention to the influence of environmental factors on the development of the pathology of the immune, endocrine, reproductive systems, especially the children’s population. One of the important indicators of ecological well-being is the radiological situation of the territory. Currently, a study of the radiation background of the Aktobe region showed that in the territory of the former military range Emba-5, the level of gamma radiation is higher than the average regional and average data in Russia. Also, scientists are sounding the alarm about the «Kapustin Yar» test site in the West Kazakhstan region. Therefore, to resolve the issue of the use of the territory of the former military ranges for national economic purposes, further comprehensive research is required ru
dc.description.abstract This review summarizes the literature on the section of environmental medicine, as well as the problem of the harmful effects of environmental pollution on human health. A number of studies show that significant areas of Kazakhstan are exposed to pollution by black and non-ferrous metallurgy and coal mining enterprises. The consequences of the development of oil and gas fields in the Caspian region, covering the West Kazakhstan, Atyrau and Aktobe regions, are associated with pollution of the soil, reservoirs and drinking water with hydrocarbon oil. Chromecontaining dust emissions are also recorded during ore mining and chromate processing at enterprises in Aktobe. Despite the ongoing technical and sanitary measures, every year there is an increase in the overall incidence among the population living near oil and gas fields, as well as working in manufacturing and other industrial facilities. A number of authors draw attention to the influence of environmental factors on the development of the pathology of the immune, endocrine, reproductive systems, especially the children’s population. One of the important indicators of ecological well-being is the radiological situation of the territory. Currently, a study of the radiation background of the Aktobe region showed that in the territory of the former military range Emba-5, the level of gamma radiation is higher than the average regional and average data in Russia. Also, scientists are sounding the alarm about the «Kapustin Yar» test site in the West Kazakhstan region. Therefore, to resolve the issue of the use of the territory of the former military ranges for national economic purposes, further comprehensive research is required ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher West Kazakhstan Medical Journal ru
dc.subject Ecology ru
dc.subject oil industry ru
dc.subject morbidity ru
dc.subject pollution from motor transport ru
dc.subject ecological well-being ru
dc.subject radiation background ru
dc.subject radioecology ru
dc.title The review of actual ecological situation in Aktobe region ru
dc.type Article ru

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