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dc.contributor.author MURAD, SHAH
dc.contributor.author ABBASI, NAJAM UL HASAN
dc.contributor.author SHAFIQUE, ADNAN
dc.contributor.author MEHMOOD, HAMID
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-24T05:02:40Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-24T05:02:40Z
dc.date.issued 2018-09-26
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/484
dc.description There is no doubt that diet and physical activity might impact in curing the metabolic syndrome. It is well known that diet and physical activity can improve oxidative stress in human body, leading to decreased risk of developing CAD. Aim of this research was to compare individual and combined effects of Ispaghola (Psyllium husk) and Anjeer (Ficus carica) in primary as well as secondary hyperlipidemia. It was single blind placebo-controlled research work, conducted from January 2017 to April 2017 at General Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. One hundred male and female hyperlipidemic patients were selected for research, age range from 20 to 65 years. Inclusion criteria were primary, secondary hyperlipidemic patients. Written and explained consent was taken from all participants and approved by research ethics committee of the hospital. Patients were divided in four equal groups, comprising 25 patients in each group. Their baseline systolic/diastolic blood pressure and lipid profile was estimated and kept in individual’s folder. Group-I was on Ispaghula 10 grams, group-II was on 10 grams Anjeer, and group-III was advised to take 10 grams Ispaghula, and 10 grams Anjeer in combination for 3 months. Group-IV was on placebo therapy. After 3 months when results were compiled and analyzed statistically, it was observed that Ispaghula decreased LDL-c significantly with p-value <0.05, Anjeer decreased LDL-c significantly with p-value <0.01. When both herbs were combinely given, they reduced systolic BP with p-value <0.01, LDL-c reduced highly significantly with p-value <0.001, and HDL-c increased significantly with p-value <0.05. It was concluded from the study that Ispaghula and Anjeer have LDL-c lowering potential if given separately. When used in combination they reduce systolic BP, LDL-c, and increase HDL-c.. ru
dc.description.abstract There is no doubt that diet and physical activity might impact in curing the metabolic syndrome. It is well known that diet and physical activity can improve oxidative stress in human body, leading to decreased risk of developing CAD. Aim of this research was to compare individual and combined effects of Ispaghola (Psyllium husk) and Anjeer (Ficus carica) in primary as well as secondary hyperlipidemia. It was single blind placebo-controlled research work, conducted from January 2017 to April 2017 at General Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. One hundred male and female hyperlipidemic patients were selected for research, age range from 20 to 65 years. Inclusion criteria were primary, secondary hyperlipidemic patients. Written and explained consent was taken from all participants and approved by research ethics committee of the hospital. Patients were divided in four equal groups, comprising 25 patients in each group. Their baseline systolic/diastolic blood pressure and lipid profile was estimated and kept in individual’s folder. Group-I was on Ispaghula 10 grams, group-II was on 10 grams Anjeer, and group-III was advised to take 10 grams Ispaghula, and 10 grams Anjeer in combination for 3 months. Group-IV was on placebo therapy. After 3 months when results were compiled and analyzed statistically, it was observed that Ispaghula decreased LDL-c significantly with p-value <0.05, Anjeer decreased LDL-c significantly with p-value <0.01. When both herbs were combinely given, they reduced systolic BP with p-value <0.01, LDL-c reduced highly significantly with p-value <0.001, and HDL-c increased significantly with p-value <0.05. It was concluded from the study that Ispaghula and Anjeer have LDL-c lowering potential if given separately. When used in combination they reduce systolic BP, LDL-c, and increase HDL-c.. ru
dc.language.iso other ru
dc.publisher West Kazakhstan Medical Journal ru
dc.subject Serum Lipids ru
dc.subject LDL-cholesterol ru
dc.subject Oxidative stress ru
dc.subject Pakistani fruits ru
dc.subject Therapeutics ru
dc.title Use of Pakistani fruits and fibers in therapeutics ru
dc.type Article ru

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