Просмотр по теме "Immunology"

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  • Kurmangaliyeva, S.S.; Zevalkina, E.V.; Sarbulatova, A.Sh.; Zhanamanova, R.N. (West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov medical University, 2024)
    You are starting to study a very interesting and informative discipline "Medical Microbiology, Virology, Immunology", which plays a very important role in the training of future doctors and in their subsequent practical ...
  • Kurmangaliyeva, S.S.; Zevalkina, E.V.; Zhanamanova, R.N.; Sarbulatova, A.Sh. (NCJSC "West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University", 2023)
    The manual consists of two sections: general microbiology with the basics of immunology, private bacteriology with virology and includes 21 laboratory works on the first section and 16 laboratory works on the second ...