The manual consists of two sections: general microbiology with the basics of
immunology, private bacteriology with virology and includes 21 laboratory works
on the first section and 16 laboratory works on the second section.
The description of laboratory work is made according to the scheme: topic,
purpose of work, necessary equipment, theoretical material with detailed
illustrations, protocol of laboratory work and sequence of its execution. All
illustrations are borrowed from Internet resources and contribute to better
assimilation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. At the end of each
laboratory work there is literature for more in-depth study of the topic.
The structure of the manual also includes an important section on safety and
behaviour in the bacteriological laboratory, which students should learn in the first
lesson and strictly follow in the future.
The manual consists of two sections: general microbiology with the basics of
immunology, private bacteriology with virology and includes 21 laboratory works
on the first section and 16 laboratory works on the second section.
The description of laboratory work is made according to the scheme: topic,
purpose of work, necessary equipment, theoretical material with detailed
illustrations, protocol of laboratory work and sequence of its execution. All
illustrations are borrowed from Internet resources and contribute to better
assimilation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. At the end of each
laboratory work there is literature for more in-depth study of the topic.
The structure of the manual also includes an important section on safety and
behaviour in the bacteriological laboratory, which students should learn in the first
lesson and strictly follow in the future.