Intro: Atherosclerosis is complication of dyslipidemia causing coronary artery disease leading to mortality due to Myocardial
Infarction. There are various drugs which reduces plasma lipids but with potential side effects. Herbal medication like Green Cardamom
has potential to lower bad cholesterol, i.e. LDL-cholesterol and raise good cholesterol, i.e. HDL-cholesterol. Research Design:
Single blind placebo-controlled study. Place of research study: Jinnah Hospital Lahore. Research Design/type: It was single blind
placebo-controlled study. Duration of research work: From July to November 2017. Aim and Objectives: In this work we compared
hypolipidemic effects of Niacin with Cardamom. Inclusion Criteria: Male and female patients, age range from 18 to 17 years, suffering
from primary or secondary hyperlipidemia. Exclusion Criteria: Alcoholics, cigarette smokers and patients taking regular medicine for
their any physical or mental disease, with severe vital organ disease were excluded from the study. Sample size and selection/division
of patients: Seventy five hyperlipidemic patients were selected for research work. They were divided in three groups. Group-I was on
placebo, group-II was given 1.5 grams Niacin, and group-III was advised to use powdered Cardamom thrice daily for the period of two
months. Methodology: Their base line lipid profile was determined by Freidewald Method. Total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and
HDL-cholesterol were main parameters we required for further calculation of change in these parameters. All patients were advised
to visit clinic fortnightly for their follow up.. Parameters studied: Their lipid profile was measured at start of research and then on
day-60. Statistical Analysis: Data were expressed as the mean ± Standard Diviation and “t” test was applied to determine statistical
significance as the difference. A probability value of <0.05 was considered as non-significant and P<0.001 was considered as highly
significant change in the results when pre and post-treatment values were compared. Results: After two months therapy group-II
patients reduced total cholesterol 30.8 mg/dl and LDL cholesterol 12.1 mg/dl and increased HDL cholesterol 5.6 mg/dl. In group-III
Cardamom decreased total cholesterol 7.2 mg/dl and LDL cholesterol 8.8 mg/dl. HDL cholesterol in this group increased 4.9 mg/dl.
When results were compiled and analyzed biostatistically, these changes were significant. Conclusion: We conclude from the research
work that Niacin has more effects on total cholesterol but effects of both drugs on LDL cholesterol reduction was almost same.
Intro: Atherosclerosis is complication of dyslipidemia causing coronary artery disease leading to mortality due to Myocardial
Infarction. There are various drugs which reduces plasma lipids but with potential side effects. Herbal medication like Green Cardamom
has potential to lower bad cholesterol, i.e. LDL-cholesterol and raise good cholesterol, i.e. HDL-cholesterol. Research Design:
Single blind placebo-controlled study. Place of research study: Jinnah Hospital Lahore. Research Design/type: It was single blind
placebo-controlled study. Duration of research work: From July to November 2017. Aim and Objectives: In this work we compared
hypolipidemic effects of Niacin with Cardamom. Inclusion Criteria: Male and female patients, age range from 18 to 17 years, suffering
from primary or secondary hyperlipidemia. Exclusion Criteria: Alcoholics, cigarette smokers and patients taking regular medicine for
their any physical or mental disease, with severe vital organ disease were excluded from the study. Sample size and selection/division
of patients: Seventy five hyperlipidemic patients were selected for research work. They were divided in three groups. Group-I was on
placebo, group-II was given 1.5 grams Niacin, and group-III was advised to use powdered Cardamom thrice daily for the period of two
months. Methodology: Their base line lipid profile was determined by Freidewald Method. Total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and
HDL-cholesterol were main parameters we required for further calculation of change in these parameters. All patients were advised
to visit clinic fortnightly for their follow up.. Parameters studied: Their lipid profile was measured at start of research and then on
day-60. Statistical Analysis: Data were expressed as the mean ± Standard Diviation and “t” test was applied to determine statistical
significance as the difference. A probability value of <0.05 was considered as non-significant and P<0.001 was considered as highly
significant change in the results when pre and post-treatment values were compared. Results: After two months therapy group-II
patients reduced total cholesterol 30.8 mg/dl and LDL cholesterol 12.1 mg/dl and increased HDL cholesterol 5.6 mg/dl. In group-III
Cardamom decreased total cholesterol 7.2 mg/dl and LDL cholesterol 8.8 mg/dl. HDL cholesterol in this group increased 4.9 mg/dl.
When results were compiled and analyzed biostatistically, these changes were significant. Conclusion: We conclude from the research
work that Niacin has more effects on total cholesterol but effects of both drugs on LDL cholesterol reduction was almost same.